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What we see depends mainly on what we look for. Sir John Lubbock

As free citizens in a political democracy, we have a responsibility to be interested and involved in the affairs of the human community, be it at the local or the global level. Paul Wellstone

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Loose ends

Pioneer Press Wed, 9 Jul 2008 10:46:10 MDT
Vote could end developer's lawsuit against city of Maplewood

After a few snags and delays, a lawsuit against the city of Maplewood may finally end. ... The city's next and final step is to approve a development contract. The issue has been scheduled and postponed twice. Attorneys for both sides have been ironing out details of the contract, but it will finally come before the council Monday, said acting City Manager Chuck Ahl. Once the city approves the deal, it needs a judge's OK. Only then will the lawsuit officially be dismissed, Ahl said.

[[keywords: LandUse;Legal;Maplewood;]]

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