Our perspective

What we see depends mainly on what we look for. Sir John Lubbock

As free citizens in a political democracy, we have a responsibility to be interested and involved in the affairs of the human community, be it at the local or the global level. Paul Wellstone

What's new...

Affordable senior housing in the pipeline

Each element of the July 14 City Council agenda item

Gethsemane Lutheran Church – Request for Senior Housing Project:
  • a. Consider Temporary Lease for 2008 Use of Property as Park.
  • b. Consider Land Use Plan Amendment from P (park) to R3H (high density residential) (Requires 4 affirmative votes.)
  • c. Consider a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Planned Unit Development (PUD).
  • d. Consider a Parking Waiver to Have Fewer Parking Spaces than Code Requires.
  • e. Consider a Preliminary and Final Plat.
  • f. Consider Site and Architectural Plan Approval.
  • g. Consider Extending Date for Public Hearing on Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to August 25, 2008.
passed unanimously.

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