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What we see depends mainly on what we look for. Sir John Lubbock

As free citizens in a political democracy, we have a responsibility to be interested and involved in the affairs of the human community, be it at the local or the global level. Paul Wellstone

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Media mailbag

This reader in the Tuesday may 27 Star Tribune letters to the editor makes a fundamental point:

Mislabeling 'Green space' Not private land

Please stop calling undeveloped or underdeveloped private property "green space," as the Star Tribune did in the May 17 article about the Bloomington church that wants to develop the land it has owned for more than 50 years.

It is privately owned land -- not city, county or state land. By labeling it "green space," the article implies that no development was ever intended for that property.

There seems to be an ever-increasing desire for homeowners to try to impose their will upon land which they do not own or have "control" over.


And this May 22nd Lillie Newspapers letter from our own irrepressible Christeen Stone
Letter: 'What a HOOT'

To the editor,
Lillie News

Diane Longrie for Representative of District 55 under DFL designation?? What a HOOT! Once again she has ignored the process, as she has as mayor. Understand she did show up at the District 55 Convention and seat herself in the delegate seat (with out credentials) so was told to leave. Does she think that qualifies her as a candidate??

I have difficulty understanding her reasoning on how she thinks the endorsing process works. I am sure she is aware when Will and John were endorsed a lot of great things started happening. Their Literature Drops brought out 50-100 people there to work for them, The Union endorsements brought out people to work and lots of phone banks, and I am guessing money. Yes, it is great to be endorsed by the DFL but you at least have to be a member and go through the proper process.

WE have an endorsing committee which had endorsed Leon Lillie at the Convention and he was unanamously endosed by the DFL delegates. He has served us almost four years now and has done a great job.

She says she decided to be a DFLer because she couldn't agree with Bush (probably the only point where I agree with her). However her reign has been so much like HIS I am sure she must have chosen HIM as her pattern. Diane Longrie a DFLer?? Ridiculous!!

Christeen M. Stone

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